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GT Rabbit Rescue and Rehoming

I'm a Rabbit rescue called GT Rabbit rescue and rehoming I take in and find new homes for them after getting to know the small animal and what they want.. some get to stay and retire here now to. now I've moved to a bigger please.. I'm experienced with pregnant rabbits so if there's an litter you wasn't expecting then contact me too please let me know if your struggle with finding them a homes/ look after them or have time for them or even if you're allergic to them.. I have space right now if we didn't we would post an update

If your love your pregnant animal then please let me know and we can sort out when the babies have weaned that mother can be returned to you that will be a donation each week and that's just to help with food i will supply everything else. Or if you wanna supply the food that is fine too or I have a wish list on Amazon that will help with everything I need for all rabbits.

Just please update with me while I have your beloved animal in my care and your welcome to come round and see her whenever you want the bond with your animal is the MOST important just so she knows she's still loved by you. drop off only I don't drive thanks I really hope I can help has I'm at home 24/7 and my kids are at full time school I'm also a rabbit lover thanks for reading

If you wonna help in anyway with donations or wish list I would be so appreciative for it at this time all the rescues are in need off a little help GT rabbit rescue and rehoming is our new name

Contact me on 07368453679
Amazon Wishlist https//

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Ad Id29200798
CategorySmall Pets
PostedMay 25, 2022
Expiry June 24, 2022
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